A genesis of finance

Transforming Financial
Services Through Technology

Founded in 2001, Pulse Markets has distinguished itself as a beacon in the financial services sector, showcasing remarkable growth and diversification. Our journey is closely intertwined with the adoption of state-of-the-art ICT systems, which have been instrumental in scaling our operations and enhancing our service delivery.

Specialising in derivatives trading and advisory, our teams demand the most efficient and powerful computing systems to stay ahead in the fast-paced financial world.

Our collaboration with Cloud4x marked a significant milestone in our quest for technological supremacy. With Cloud4x’s expertise, we transitioned to a new office set up at Farrer Place, equipped with the latest technologies and robust digital security systems.

This seamless integration was accomplished within a remarkably short time frame, underscoring Cloud4x’s commitment to agility and excellence.

A blueprint for success

Streamlining Operations
with Cloud Solutions

Recognising the need to modernise our ageing laptop fleet, Cloud4x orchestrated a comprehensive upgrade to the latest generation of devices. This strategic move not only enhanced our operational efficiency but also aligned with ISO standards through the implementation of ransomware protection software and hard drive encryption.

Our digital transformation extended to the consolidation of our file system and communication platforms. By migrating to Dropbox and transitioning our email system to the Office 365 model, we achieved a unified and secure digital environment conducive to collaboration.

Additionally, the introduction of VoIP telephony further streamlined our operations, completing our digital SaaS landscape.

Cloud4x delivered a fully managed IT system, ensuring our digital environment remains secure, up-to-date, and backed up to the cloud. This comprehensive service includes unlimited technical support, reinforcing our commitment to data security and client confidentiality—a cornerstone of our business philosophy.

Customer centric solutions

Creating a New Era of Innovation

Our engagement with Cloud4x has catapulted Pulse Markets into a new era of digital efficiency and security. The adoption of Single Sign-On (SSO) to Cloud4x’s private cloud, along with seamless integration with Office 365 and partner applications, has simplified our operational landscape while bolstering our security framework.

One of the most significant advantages of our partnership has been the predictability of IT budgets, coupled with the enhanced mobility experienced by all our teams. Our subscription model with Cloud4x ensures proactive management of all our digital devices, allowing our teams to excel in their roles without the concerns of hardware upgrades or compliance issues.

transformative technology

Staying Ahead
of the Curve

Michael Stuke, Chief Operating Officer & CRO, aptly summarises our experience with Cloud4x, highlighting their unparalleled ability to turn visionary ICT solutions into reality. Through our collaboration, we have not only addressed our immediate technological needs but also positioned ourselves to anticipate and adapt to future challenges in the financial sector.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of the financial world, our partnership with Cloud4x remains a testament to the transformative power of technology in driving business success. Pulse Markets stands ready to embrace the future, powered by a digital foundation that is as robust as it is innovative.

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